Our “business performance review and forecast” program is one of the most powerful services you can expect from accountants. This is a real value-adding service to your business that will help you improve your business cash flow in the short term and eventually improve your business value in the longer term. Because of the complexity of the services, big accounting firms usually provide this kind of consulting service. Now, you have us with better services for less fees.
We review your account thoroughly and find areas to improve your business’s financial performance. We compare industry trends, benchmarks, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This will give you an idea of where you need to focus more (e.g., marketing or cost management) when managing your business. Price sensitivity analysis is one good example.
You need these services if you are:
- Established businesses with good revenue size but low productivity
- Businesses in mature market conditions to win the competition
- Business owners with a plan to sell in a few years at a higher price
- All other businesses want to know where management needs to focus more to increase the business’s value and allow more positive cash flow.
With this service, we don’t simply sell the report you don’t fully understand. We monitor your business performance through regular consultations with the optimum scenarios you implement with us and adjust the implementation plan until we find the best outcome for your business. Our goal with this service is to increase your business value more than you expect. Please download the sample report here and see what you can get from this service we provide to many successful businesses in Australia.